David R. Vishanoff
University of Oklahoma, Department of Religious Studies
731 Elm Ave., Robertson 119, Norman, OK 37019, USA
vishanoff at ou dot edu
Emory University: Ph.D. in West and South Asian Religions, 2004.
- Dissertation (awarded “distinction”): “Early Islamic Hermeneutics: Language, Speech, and Meaning in Preclassical Legal Theory.” Dissertation committee: Richard Martin (advisor), Gordon Newby, Devin Stewart.
- Summer Academy “Hermeneutics of Border: Canon and Community in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,” Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, August 2003.
- George W. Woodruff Fellowship (1997–2002), Harvey Fellowship (2001–2004), John Fenton Prize in Comparative Religion, Outstanding Achievement in Arabic at the Graduate Level award.
Arabic Language and Islamic Studies Semester in Fez, Morocco, Washington University in St. Louis / Arabic Language Institute in Fez, January–June 1999.
University of Colorado at Boulder: M.A. in Religious Studies, 1997.
- Thesis: “On the Origin and Development of the Qurʾānic Use of Āmana.”
- University Fellowship, Pounds Fellowship.
Gordon College: B.A. in Mathematics and Philosophy, 1990, summa cum laude.
- Pike Honors Scholar, Ball award, Physics award, Raytheon award, Phi Alpha Chi award (twice), President Forrester award, Budapest Semester in Mathematics.
Continuing education: “Le manuscrit arabe: codicologie, paléographie et histoire,” Bibliothèque nationale de Tunisie, Tunis, July 10–14, 2017.
Research languages: French, Arabic, Indonesian, German, Spanish.
Associate Professor (2012–present), Assistant Professor (2006–2012), Religious Studies Program, University of Oklahoma: The Qur’an, Islamic Law (focus on gender), Islamic Theology, Introduction to Islam, Hermeneutics of Bible and Qur’an, Muslim-Christian Encounters, Comparative Sacred Texts, Jesus in the World’s Religions, Introduction to Religious Studies.
Fulbright Senior Scholar (spring 2013), State Islamic University (UIN Sunan Kalijaga), Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Qur’anic Hermeneutics (doctoral seminar co-taught with Sahiron Syamsuddin).
Visiting Assistant Professor (2004–2006), Department of Religious Studies, University of South Carolina: Similar courses, and Foundational Readings in the Discipline of Islamic Studies (graduate reading course).
Adjunct Instructor, Emory University: Intermediate Arabic I; Introduction to Religion; Islamic Theology.
Teaching Assistant, Emory University and University of Colorado at Boulder: Freshman Seminar on the Koran, Early and Medieval Hinduism, Christian Traditions, World Religions–West.
- Islamic Legal Theory: A Critical Introduction Based on al-Juwayni’s Waraqat fi usul al‑fiqh. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2022 (revised version of 2017 online book).
- Editor, Islamic Law and Ethics. London: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 2020.
- A Critical Introduction to Islamic Legal Theory: A Critical Edition, English Translation, and New Commentary on Imām al‑Ḥaramayn al‑Juwaynī’s Leaflet on the Sources of Law (Kitāb al‑Waraqāt fī uṣūl al‑fiqh). Open Access at https://waraqat.vishanoff.com, 2017.
- The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics: How Sunni Legal Theorists Imagined a Revealed Law. American Oriental Series, ed. Stephanie W. Jamison, no. 93. New Haven, Connecticut: American Oriental Society, 2011.
- Reviewed by Wilferd Madelung in Ilahiyat Studies 2 (2011): 254–256.
- Reviewed by Yossef Rapoport in Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations 23 (2012): 556–558.
- Reviewed by Robert Gleave in International Journal of Middle East Studies 45 no. 3 (2013): 622–623.
- Reviewed by Ahmed El Shamsy in Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 no. 1 (2014): 168–171.
- Reviewed by Mourad Laabdi in American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 31 no. 4 (2014): 146–148.
- “An Epistemology for Listening Across Religious, Cultural, and Political Divides.” In Engaging Populism: Democracy and the Intellectual Virtues, ed. Gregory R. Peterson, Michael C. Berhow, and George Tsakiridis, 185–214. [London]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
- “Images of David in Several Muslim Rewritings of the Psalms.” In The Character of David in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Warrior, Poet, Prophet and King, ed. Marzena Zawanowska and Mateusz Wilk, 273–298. Leiden: Brill, 2021.
- “Informative and Performative Theories of Divine Speech in Classical Islamic Legal Theory.” In Philosophy and Language in the Islamic World, ed. Nadja Germann and Mostafa Najafi, 183–208. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021.
- “The Ethical Structure of Imām al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī’s Legal Theory.” In Islamic Law and Ethics, ed. David R. Vishanoff, 1–33. London: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 2020.
- “A Reader’s Guide to al-Shāfiʿī’s Epistle on Legal Theory (al-Risāla).” Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations 28 no. 3 (2017): 245–269.
- “Al‑hirminyūṭīqā al‑fiqhiyya ʿinda al‑Imām al‑Shāfiʿī.” (Arabic, “The Legal Hermeneutics of al‑Imām al‑Shāfiʿī.”) International Journal of Pesantren Studies 7 no. 2 (2015 [2016]): 263–281.
- “Boundaries and Encounters.” In Understanding Interreligious Relations, ed. David Cheetham, Douglas Pratt, and David Thomas, 341–364. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
- “An Imagined Book Gets a New Text: Psalms of the Muslim David.” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 22 (2011): 85–99.
- “Why Do the Nations Rage? Boundaries of Canon and Community in a Muslim’s Rewriting of Psalm 2.” Comparative Islamic Studies 6 (2010): 151–179.
Other publications
- “Islamic Psalms of David.” In Christian–Muslim Relations: Primary Sources, Volume 1, 600–1500, ed. David Thomas, et al., 33–36. London: Bloomsbury, 2023.
- “Islamic Psalms of David.” In The Bloomsbury Reader in Christian-Muslim Relations, 600-1500, ed. David Thomas, 30–33. London: Bloomsbury, 2022.
- “Teaching Islamic Law in a Red State.” Harvard Program in Islamic Law blog. November 28, 2019.
- “Getting a Handle on Large Research Projects.” Harvard Program in Islamic Law blog. November 21, 2019.
- “Is Islamic Legal Theory Conservative?” Harvard Program in Islamic Law blog. November 14, 2019.
- “Istanbul Conference Brings Postclassical Uṣūl al-Fiqh into the Limelight.” Harvard Program in Islamic Law blog. November 7, 2019.
- “The ‘Psalms of David’ as reimagined and rewritten by Muslims.” Biblia Arabica blog. May 14, 2019. https://biblia-arabica.com/the-psalms-of-david-as-reimagined-and-rewritten-by-muslims/
- Review of Amr Osman, The Ẓāhirī Madhhab (3rd/9th–10th/16th Century): A Textualist Theory of Islamic Law (Leiden: Brill, 2014). Der Islam 93 no. 2 (2016): 603–609.
- Review of Ahmed El Shamsy, The Canonization of Islamic Law: A Social and Intellectual History (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013). Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations 26 no. 2 (2015), 256–258.
- “Other Peoples’ Scriptures: Mythical Texts of Imagined Communities.” Numen: International Review for the History of Religions 61 no. 4 (2014): 329–333.
- “Suyūṭī on the Occasions of Revelation.” In Islamic Theological Themes: A Primary Source Reader, ed. John Renard, 51–58. Oakland: University of California Press, 2014.
- “ʿAbd al‑Jabbār on Rational Interpretation of Scripture.” In Islamic Theological Themes: A Primary Source Reader, ed. John Renard, 58–65. Oakland: University of California Press, 2014.
- “Sacrificial Listening: Christians, Muslims, and the Secular University.” In Faithful Is Successful: Notes to the Driven Pilgrim, ed. Nathan Grills, David E. Lewis, and S. Joshua Swamidass, 213-243. Denver: Outskirts Press, 2014.
- Review of Camilla Adang, Maribel Fierro, and Sabine Schmidtke, eds., Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba: The Life and Works of a Controversial Thinker (Leiden: Brill, 2013). Islamic Law and Society 21 no. 4 (2014): 453-459.
- Review of Robert Gleave, Islam and Literalism: Literal Meaning and Interpretation in Islamic Legal Theory (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013). Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations 25 no. 4 (2014): 553–557.
- Review of Lejla Demiri, Muslim Exegesis of the Bible in Medieval Cairo: Najm al-Din al-Tufi’s (d. 716/1316) Commentary on the Christian Scriptures (Leiden: Brill, 2013). Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 25 no. 1 (2014): 138–139.
- “Religious Beliefs.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics, ed. Emad El‑Din Shahin, vol. 2, 321–337. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
- “Hermeneutics.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Law, [ed. Jonathan AC Brown], on Oxford Islamic Studies Online (www.oxfordislamicstudies.com), [Oxford]: Oxford University Press, [2014] (discontinued 2022); republished 2022 in Oxford Encyclopedias of the Islamic World: Digital Collection, ed. John L. Esposito, on Oxford Reference (www.oxfordreference.com), https://
www .oxfordreference .com /view /10.1093 /acref /9780197669419.001.0001 /acref-9780197669419-e-162. - Review of Rumee Ahmed, Narratives of Islamic Legal Theory (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 24 no. 1 (2013): 134–136.
- Review of Todd Lawson, The Crucifixion and the Qur’an: A Study in the History of Muslim Thought (Oxford: Oneworld, 2009). Review of Middle East Studies 47 no. 1 (2013): 69–71.
- “Islamic ‘Psalms of David’.” In Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, Volume 3 (1050-1200), ed. David Thomas and Alex Mallett, 724-730. Leiden: Brill, 2011.
- “Islamic Law: A Long Work in Progress.” The Army Chaplaincy, Winter-Spring 2009, 65-68.
- Review of Walid A. Saleh, In Defense of the Bible: A Critical Edition and an Introduction to al-Biqāʿī’s Bible Treatise (Leiden: Brill, 2008). Journal of the American Oriental Society 129 (2009): 323–325.
- “Naẓẓām, al‑.” In The Encyclopedia of Religion, Second Edition, ed. Lindsay Jones, vol. 9, 6444-6446. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005.
Conference papers
- “Are Current Trends Leading to a Dead End? Two Case Studies on the Limits and Potential of Digital Methods for Arabic-Script Scholarly Editions.” Scholarly Digital Editions of Arabic-Script Texts, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, March 22, 2024.
- “The Islamic Psalms of David in Ottoman Manuscript Collections.” Workshop on Muslim Readings of the Bible, Center for Islamic Theology, University of Tübingen, Germany, September 28, 2023.
- “Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection: On the Integration of Faith, Epistemology, and Vocation.” Harvey Fellows Conference on Integrating Faith & Vocation, Washington, DC, June 24, 2023.
- “The Afterlife of an Ascetic Pseudo-Scripture: Methods and Motives for Mapping Complex Families of Manuscripts.” British Association for Islamic Studies, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, London, May 16, 2023.
- “God’s Attributes of Will, Speech, and Justice in Muʿtazilī Thought: Interconnections and Implications.” Divine Attributes in Classical Islamic Thought and in Contemporary Islamic Theology, Paderborn Institute of Islamic Theology, Paderborn University, Germany, August 19, 2022.
- “Four Contested Steps in the Emergence of a Revealed, Systematic, and Comprehensive Islamic Law.” Linked Open Tafsīr Conference 2022: Reconstructing the Dynamics of the Emergence of Islam — Possibilities and Limits, Bad Homburg, Germany, July 20, 2022.
- “Anthropological Reorientations in Qur’anic Hermeneutics: History, Structuralism, Ideology, Phenomenology, and Postmodernism between Europe and Indonesia.” British Association for Islamic Studies, Edinburgh, June 6, 2022.
- “The Anthropological Turn in Islamic Theologies of Revelation.” Response to a dissertation by Esma Isis-Arnautović, “Vom Menschenbild zum Paradigma: Zur Begründbarkeit einer theologischen Anthropologie im Islam.” On the Future of a Young Discipline: Islamic-theological Studies between Systematic and Practical Research, Swiss Center for Islam and Society, University of Fribourg, Paulus Akademie, Zurich, May 31, 2022.
- “Classical Islamic Legal Theory and Modern European Philosophy in Conversation: Language, Ethics, History, Politics, and Phenomenology.” Constructing Islamic Philosophy of Law: Obstacles, Challenges and Solutions, Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, Humboldt University, Berlin, May 27, 2022.
- “Theologies of Divine Speech and the Human Exigencies of Law: A Conundrum for Classical and Contemporary Islamic Legal Hermeneutics.” Dynamics of Tradition: Islamic Theology and Law in Relation, Institute for Islamic Theology, University of Paderborn, Germany, September 19, 2021.
- “Uṣūl al-Fiqh versus Hermeneutics: History, Linguistics, Ideology, Phenomenology, and Postmodernism between Europe and Indonesia.” Islamic Legal Theory: Intellectual History and Uṣūl al-Fiqh, Istanbul University, October 15, 2019.
- “Origins and Sources of the Islamic Psalms of David.” British Association for Islamic Studies, University of Nottingham, UK, April 15, 2019.
- “The Ascetic Piety of the Prophet David in Muslim Rewritings of the Psalms.” American Oriental Society, Chicago, March 17, 2019.
- “Psalms of the Muslim Prophet David: Rewritten Bible in a Qur’anic Idiom.” American Academy of Religion, Southwest Region, Irving, Texas, March 10, 2019.
- “Between Qur’an and Psalmody: How Medieval Muslim Piety Integrated Two Notions of Scripture.” International Qur’anic Studies Association, Denver, November 18, 2018.
- “An Anthropological Turn in the Qur’anic Sciences: European and Islamic Contributions to Aksin Wijaya’s Indonesian Hermeneutic.” Qur’anic Studies: Methods, Contexts, and Interpretations, International Qur’anic Studies Association and Beit al-Hikma, Carthage, Tunisia, July 4, 2017.
- “Indicative and Performative Theories of Divine Speech in Classical Islamic Legal Theory.” Intention and Signification: Philosophy of Language Across Islamic Disciplines, 800-1200, University of Freiburg, June 3, 2017.
- “An Early Recension of the Islamic Psalms of David: The Koranic Style and Content of Istanbul Fatih 28 and Madrid 5146.” Biblia Arabica conference Translators, copyists and interpreters: Jews, Christians and Muslims and the transmission of the Bible in Arabic in the Middle Ages, Cordoba, Spain, April 28, 2017.
- “Images of David in Several Muslim Rewritings of the Psalms.” Warrior, Poet, Prophet and King: The Character of David in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, University of Warsaw, Poland, October 28, 2016.
- “The Anthropological Turn in Islamic Legal Interpretation.” Islamic Theology – Past, Present and Future: Global Challenges and Prospective Synergies in the Academic Study of Islam, University of Tübingen, July 24, 2016.
- “The Structure and Composition of al-Shāfiʿī’s Risāla: Three Books, Three Outlines, Three Arguments.” Reformulation and Hermeneutics: Researching the History of Islamic Legal Theory, Istanbul University, February 22, 2016.
- “A Customizable Exaptive ‘Xap’ for Charting Currents of Islamic Discourse across Multiple Bibliographic and Full Text Datasets.” Third Annual Islamic Digital Humanities Conference, “Distant Reading and the Islamic Archive,” Middle East Studies Program, Brown University, October 16, 2015.
- “Can Qurʾānic Interpretation Be both Practically Adequate and Theologically Principled? Some Instructive Historical Examples of the Delicate Connection between Hermeneutical Theories and Doctrines of Divine Speech.” From Revelation to Scripture: A Symposium on Divine Speech and Prophetic Inspiration in Islam, Cambridge Muslim College, Cambridge, England, September 12, 2015.
- “Hermeneutics and the Traditional Islamic Sciences in Indonesia Today: Rhetoric, Retraditionalisation, or Creative Anti-Foundationalism?” International Association for the History of Religions, Erfurt, Germany, August 24, 2015.
- “Genealogies of Qur’anic Hermeneutics: Tracing Trajectories through Online Data.” Conference on “New Trends in Qur’anic Studies,” International Qur’anic Studies Association and State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August 6, 2015.
- “Reenchanting the Qurʾān: Hermeneutical Applications of the Ashʿarī Concept of God’s Eternal Speech.” International Qur’anic Studies Association, San Diego, November 23, 2014.
- “The Ethical Structure of Imām al‑Ḥaramayn al‑Juwaynī’s uṣūl al‑fiqh.” Summer Institute on Islamic Law and Ethics, International Institute of Islamic Thought, Herndon, Virginia, June 19, 2014.
- “A Sufi Rewriting of the Psalms of David,” Indiana University Islamic Studies Program conference “Mapping the Landscapes of Islamic Studies,” March 26, 2011.
- “Psalms of the Muslim David: Rewritten Bible or Rewritten Qurʾān?” American Oriental Society, St. Louis, March 14, 2010.
- “An Imagined Book Gets a New Text: The Psalms of David from Christian Scripture to Islamic Sermon.” Sixth Woodbrooke-Mingana Symposium on Arab Christianity and Islam, Birmingham, UK, September 18, 2009.
- “The Muʿtazila of Baghdād and the Eastern Ẓāhiriyya: A Scripturalist Alternative to al‑Shāfiʿī’s Vision of Islamic Law.” American Oriental Society, Chicago, March 16, 2008.
- “A Muslim Rewriting of Psalm 2: Interreligious Resistance and Intrareligious Critique.” Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, November 18, 2007.
- “The Paradoxical Hermeneutic of Sunni Jurisprudence: Its Emergence and Triumph from al‑Muzanī to Ibn Ḥazm.” American Oriental Society, San Antonio, March 16, 2007.
- “God’s Performative Speech: The Traditionalist Legal Hermeneutics of Abū Yaʿlā Ibn al‑Farrāʾ (d. 458/1065).” American Oriental Society, Seattle, March 18, 2006.
- “Medieval Islamic Models of Revelation: Hermeneutical Consequences Then and Now.” American Academy of Religion, Philadelphia, November 21, 2005.
- “The Risāla of Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al‑Shāfiʿī (d. 204/820): Its Structure, Composition, and Significance for Islamic Legal Theory.” American Oriental Society, San Diego, March 13, 2004.
- “Some Epistemological and Hermeneutical Dimensions of the Doctrine of the Created Qurʾān.” American Academy of Religion, Toronto, November 25, 2002.
- “In Defense of Ambiguity: The Legal Hermeneutics of Abū Bakr Muḥammad b. al‑Ṭayyib al‑Bāqillānī (d. 403/1013).” American Oriental Society, Houston, March 23, 2002.
- “Reading Scriptures Across Religious Lines in Colonial India: Interreligious Conflict and Reconciliation, and the Intrareligious Contestation of Identity.” Religion, Identity, and Reconciliation conference, Emory University Graduate Division of Religion, Atlanta, March 31, 2001.
Invited talks
- “On Being Patient with Time.” Plenary Lyceum lecture, The Academy of Classical Christian Studies, Oklahoma City, September 5, 2023.
- Invited participant, workshop on Digital Publication of Right-to-Left Script Corpora. Open Islamicate Texts Initiative Arabic OCR Catalyst Project, University of Maryland, June 29–30, 2023.
- “Four Contested Choices in the Invention of a Revealed, Systematic, and Comprehensive Islamic Law.” Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and Pembroke College, Oxford, March 13, 2023.
- “A Muslim Rewriting of the Psalms of David.” Centre for Muslim–Christian Studies, Oxford, June 8, 2022.
- “Psalms of the Muslim Prophet David: Reconstructing a Document of Early Islamic Asceticism.” Monday Majlis, Centre for the Study of Islam, University of Exeter, by videoconference, January 24, 2022.
- Colloquium “Between Theory, Practice, and Outcomes in Qur’anic Exegesis.” Orientalisches Seminar, University of Freiburg, September 20, 2021.
- Panelist, concluding discussion. Dynamics of Tradition: Islamic Theology and Law in Relation, Institute for Islamic Theology, University of Paderborn, Germany, September 19, 2021.
- “Kitāb Zabūr Dāwūd: Early Literary Evidence of Islamic Asceticism and Its Relationship to Christian Monasticism.” Diversity in the Medieval Middle East Graduate Workshop, Oklahoma State University, by videoconference, May 17, 2021.
- “Five Facets of the Anthropological Turn in Qur’anic Hermeneutics: History, Linguistics, Ideology, Phenomenology, and Postmodernism.” Freiburg conversations on tafsir and transregional Islamic networks II, by videoconference, March 3, 2021.
- “Sacrificial Listening: An Epistemology and Pedagogy for Intellectual Humility in the Humanities.” Virtue Forum Luncheon series of the Self, Virtue and Public Life Project, Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing, University of Oklahoma, October 9, 2019.
- “So Many Books, So Little Time: Using Algorithms to Map the Landscape of a Discourse.” David Vishanoff and Dave King. Keynote address, Bibliotheca Alexandrina / SIMAR Conference “Big Data Analytics—Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice,” Cairo, November 12, 2018.
- “A Relational, Recursive, Eschatological and Sacrificial Model for the Humanities.” Harvey Fellows Symposium “Christ in the Culture 2017,” Wheaton, Illinois, September 16, 2017.
- Panelist, “The Future Study of Islamic Legal Theory.” Reformulation and Hermeneutics: Researching the History of Islamic Legal Theory, Istanbul University, February 24, 2016.
- “Kayfa aṣbaḥa al‑Qurʾān naṣṣan tashrīʿīan?” (Arabic, “How did the Qurʾān become a legislative text?”). Response to a paper by ʿAdnān al-Muqrānī. Seminar “Fahm al-nuṣūṣ al‑Qurʾāniyya bayna al‑ittijāh al‑ḥarfī wa‑l‑ittijāh al‑maqāṣidī” at the State Islamic University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August 13, 2015.
- “The Hermeneutics of Imām Shāfiʿī.” Center for the Study of Qur’an and Hadith Monthly Discussion, Facultas Ushuluddin, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, April 24, 2013.
- Indonesian lecture on “Lessons in Hermeneutics from the Study of Islam” at Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Indonesia in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, April 23, 2013.
- “The Sufi Psalms of David: Interreligious Polemic or Internal Critique?” CRCS–ICRS Wednesday Forum, Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies / Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, April 10, 2013.
- “Al‑hirminyūṭīqā al‑fiqhiyya ʿinda al‑Imām al‑Shāfiʿī” (Arabic, “The Legal Hermeneutics of al‑Imām al‑Shāfiʿī”). Pengurus Wilayah Nahdlatul Ulama Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia, March 31, 2013.
- “Five Classical Approaches to the Qur’an.” Plenary address at conference “Approaches to the Study of the Quran,” Community of Santri Scholars of Ministry of Religious Affairs, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, February 24, 2013.
Software development
- Principal researcher in Termscape software development partnership with Exaptive, Inc., 2018.
- Principal researcher in Discourse Map software development partnership with Exaptive, Inc., and University of Oklahoma Libraries, 2015–2016.
- Consultant editor, Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 2023–present.
- Religious Studies representative to Faculty Honorifics Committee, University of Oklahoma, 2023–present.
- Committee A, Religious Studies Department, University of Oklahoma, 2023–2025.
- Editorial board, Islamic Law and Society, 2022–present.
- Research Advisory Committee to the Vice President for Research, University of Oklahoma, 2022–present.
- Curriculum Committee, Religious Studies Department, University of Oklahoma, 2022–present.
- Significant Impact Research Grant Program committee, University of Oklahoma, 2021–present.
- Editorial board, Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Scripture and Theology, 2020–present.
- Editorial board, International Journal of Pesantren Studies, 2016–present.
- Course Equivalency Project, Religion Committee, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, 2022.
- Search Committee, Religious Studies Department, University of Oklahoma, 2021–2022.
- University Libraries Committee, University of Oklahoma, 2020–2022.
- Book review editor, Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 2018–2022.
- Faculty presenter and respondent, graduate student workshop “Diversity in the Medieval Middle East,” Oklahoma State University, May 17–21, 2021.
- Research Council, University of Oklahoma, fall 2020.
- Academic Program Review committee, Religious Studies Department, University of Oklahoma, 2020.
- Support of Teaching and Research Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Oklahoma, spring 2020.
- Tenure & Promotion Advisory Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Oklahoma, 2016–2018.
- Committee A, Religious Studies Program, University of Oklahoma, 2014-2018.
- Faculty Appeals Board, Faculty Senate, University of Oklahoma, 2013–2018.
- Associate Editor for religion and philosophy, Review of Middle East Studies, 2013–2016.
- Support of Teaching and Research Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Oklahoma, spring 2014.
- Employee Benefits Committee, University of Oklahoma, 2013–2014.
- Harvey Fellows Advisory Board, 2010–2014.
- National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships peer review panel (Religious Studies II), 2011.
- Senior Faculty Summer Fellowship ($7000), University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences, 2022. “Origins and Reception History of the Islamic ‘Psalms of David’.”
- National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship ($50,400), July 2018–June 2019. “Psalms of the Muslim Prophet David: Arabic Edition and English Translation.”
- American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship ($22,184), July 2018–June 2019. “Psalms of the Muslim Prophet David: Edition, Translation, and Analysis.”
- Exceptional Achievements in Research Recognition Program ($10,000), University of Oklahoma Vice President for Research, 2018.
- Ed Cline Faculty Development Award ($1600), University of Oklahoma Faculty Senate, 2017. For summer school “Le manuscrit arabe: codicologie, paléographie et histoire” in Tunis.
- Senior Faculty Summer Fellowship ($7500), University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences, 2015. For research and conference presentations in Indonesia and Germany.
- Presidential International Travel Fellowship ($2000), University of Oklahoma, 2015. For research and conference presentations in Indonesia and Germany.
- Fulbright Senior Scholar Award ($22,750), U.S. Department of State and American Indonesian Exchange Foundation, Spring 2013, State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
- Exceptional Achievements in Research Recognition Program ($5000), University of Oklahoma Vice President for Research, 2012.
- Honors Research Assistant Program ($900), University of Oklahoma Honors College, Fall 2012, for student assistance with an article on the use of scriptures across religious lines in colonial India.
- Honors Research Assistant Program ($600), University of Oklahoma Honors College, Fall 2011, for student assistance with a textbook chapter on boundaries and interactions between religious groups.
- Honors Research Assistant Program ($600), University of Oklahoma Honors College, Spring 2011, for student assistance with an encyclopedia article and textbook chapter on Islamic theology.
- Faculty Enrichment Grant ($1107), University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences, 2010, for purchase of manuscript copies and editions of al‑Juwaynī’s works for A Critical Introduction to Islamic Legal Theory.
- Junior Faculty Summer Fellowship ($6000), University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences, 2010. For drafting A Critical Introduction to Islamic Legal Theory.
- Faculty Enrichment Grant ($1200), University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences, 2010, for assistance with index to The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics.
- Junior Faculty Research Program grant ($6000), University of Oklahoma Vice President for Research, summer 2009. For revisions to The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics.
- Faculty Enrichment Grant ($870), University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences, 2009. For obtaining copies of manuscripts of apocryphal Arabic “Psalms of the Muslim David.”
- Junior Faculty Summer Fellowship ($6000), University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences, 2008. For completing the first draft of The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics.
- Faculty Enrichment Grant ($1000), University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences, 2007-2008. For research assistance with book manuscript The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics.
- Junior Faculty Research Program grant ($6000), University of Oklahoma Vice President for Research, summer 2007. “Ẓāhirī Legal Hermeneutics from al‑Naẓẓām (d. 836) to Ibn Ḥazm (d. 1064).”
- Faculty Enrichment Grant ($1000), University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences, 2006-2007. For development of a new course on Muslim-Christian Interactions.
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend ($5000), Summer 2006. “God’s Performative Speech: Abū Yaʿlā (d. 1065) and the Origins of Authoritarian Hermeneutics in Islamic Law.”